Hilton Garden Inn New York/West 35th Street has 298 newly built guestrooms that are approximately 260 square feet and decorated in contemporary style. All guestrooms are state-of-the-art, 100% non-smoking and feature in-room amenities such as 32-inch flat screen television, refrigerator, microwave, security safe, MP3 Player and radio with alarm, coffeemaker and large work desk with ergonomic chair. Each room features upscale bedding plus the Garden Sleep System™ by VSS Sleep Systems™ mattress and signature pillows.Suites
Hilton Garden Inn New York/West 35th Street has two newly built suites with living area and private bedroom. Each suite is decorated in contemporary style, is 100% non-smoking and features the same in-room amenities found in our standard guestrooms.
Rooms and Suites
Hilton Garden Inn New York/West 35th Street has 298 newly built guest rooms, including two suites, with contemporary furnishings and amenities. Explore the various types of rooms and amenities at our hotel in Midtown Manhattan and choose the space that's right for you.